An introduction to the Shofar series (edited by the Testimony and Unity Foundation)
The Shofar series was written by Dr. A.A. Leenhouts and completed shortly before the author died at the age of 86. The author gives a remarkable exegesis of biblical promises concerning the future and the unity of all Christians. This exegesis resulted from direct revelations from God, received in 1948. In this ‘spiritual testament’ of Leenhouts, all believers in the world are called upon to guarantee in word and deed a worthy changeover of the ‘Jewish State’ to its destined status of a ‘Kingdom of Priests’. This book is intended as an introduction to the Shofar series and is edited by the Testimony and Unity Foundation. The preface contains more information about the objectives of the Foundation and the life and work of Rev. Leenhouts.
The Shofar series includes the following books:
© 2017 Testimony and Unity Foundation
Paperback, 64 pages
ISBN: 978-90-73014-176
Available at Testimony and Unity Foundation (Stichting Getuigenis en Eenheid)
English and Dutch books are available for free (excluding shipping costs)
Stichting Getuigenis en Eenheid | Postbus 64814, 2506 CE 's-Gravenhage